
Friday, December 9, 2016

Farm Eggs Vs. Commercially Produced Eggs + A Simple French Omelette

Farm Egg Vs. Mass Produced Egg
It's FARM EGG VS. COMMERCIAL EGG TODAY!! Let the battle begin… 

Do you see any differences? One fresh from a local, holistic farm. One commercially raised for a large grocery store chain. You guess which one is the farm egg!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Making Lefse {Buffalo Community Education Class}

Lefse - A Norwegian Flatbread
Today I am so grateful for holiday traditions! My mother-in-law, Sharon, and I have been making lefse together since my husband I were first married, now 12 years strong. Lefse is a Norwegian flatbread made from potatoes, flour, buttermilk and butter. It's rolled flat on a special lefse rolling board, slapped unto a 500ยบ griddle, then eaten slathered with butter and a dusting of sugar. At Sharon's chagrin, my lefse was sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon.  
Teaching How To Make Lefse

Everyone has their own traditional holiday foods, events, places to visit, treats to make, people to see. What gets you most excited this holiday season? I'm madly in love with food, so cooking events really fill my happiness cup. Like this Community Education class I was privileged to teach at the local community kitchen. 

Take a look at the class snapshots! 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Accepting Feelings of Hunger… My Bone Broth Fast Experience

No Make-up. No Filter. 
Today started as any other day, with a time of meditation and prayer, moving into my children's rooms waking them for school. Feeding them breakfast and choosing for myself a simple yogurt smoothie, which ignites a chain reaction. Was it due to the brief conversation on Sunday with a friend on her Keto Diet? Turning my own eating and exercising habits into a petri dish whose microscope is magnifying my ego. See, I've never been one for consistency - exercising when I feel like it, with no regularity. Resentfully dialing down my inclination to fried food, sweets, and other crappy food choices when my chin starts to resemble a game of connect the dots. The chain reaction started with the conversation which exploded on Monday morning, the morning of best intentions, starting with a healthy smoothie and an inspiring jog, and then, explosions: the idea of a Bone Broth Cleanse began to form. Unexpectedly, I  decide to replace lunch with a cup of bone broth and meditation. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New Journey… Taking Stock Foods // Brand Ambassador

In the Valley
Standing in the Valley, Ready to Make the Climb to Victory! 

Are you the best version of yourself today? Asking myself the same question, I answer "Nope, I'm not yet where I want to be," but because I know God isn't done with me yet and He is full grace and mercy I'm being propelled to a path of personal transformation which I feel strongly compelled to share because maybe you, too, are going through struggles and want victory!!

Are you with me? Seeking Abundance… 

Seeking abundance through self-love, mercy, grace, motivation, positivity, less noise, more meaningful relationships, spirituality, career contentment (no matter the path - especially SAHM!), consistency in eating and exercising and fill-in-the-blank-blank-blank-it-blank-blank??

Are you giving me a big fat OH, YEAZZZZZ! 

Well, jump aboard this choo-choo train and read on because I'm writing a new exciting chapter!

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 Community Education Classes

At the finish line of our 10k race at 10k feet!! We did it! Timed in at 1:23. And now I feel invincible!! Running races is so inspiring! This was my first 10k + first mountain race. Nothing could've prepared me for the elevation and steep climb, but I did
When 10K training blogging is neglected. Rabbit Ears Pass in Steamboat, CO.
Hello, Foodie Friends!

I've been very, very neglectful of my recipe writing adventures here at Foodie in Minnesota because I've been travelling, running, being a mom, being a wife, cooking at Whole Foods, running, traveling, gardening, preserving, and so so so many other things! You'll have to forgive me, but I have to tell you about opportunities to hang out in person! While learning about food. And cooking! And food. And eating! YES. Don't miss out!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Cold Buckwheat Sesame Noodles & CSA Veg with Carrot Ginger Dressing

Would describing noodles as slippery be strange? Slithery and slippery noodles with toothsome bite absolutely perfect for slurping. A buckwheat noodle with 100% buckwheat. Did you know that's kinda hard to find? Not anymore.

Give a hearty welcome to one of Minneapolis' newest local food creators, Dumpling & Strand creators of freshly made noodles and pasta available at three Minneapolis area Farmer's Markets.

After meeting the proprietors of Dumpling & Strand at the Midwest Pantry Local Food Trade Show Kelly and Jeff were kind enough to send over samples of their locally made carb delights for me to try and gush about. It's pretty safe to say I ended on the delicious side of the bargain. Toasted Basmati Pasta (topped with rainbow chard and an egg!), Sprouted Whole Wheat Levain Fettucine (lovely sourdough flavor!), Ramen (oh, the slurping!), Egg Fettuccine (butter and parmesan for days!). Dumpling & Strand is all things carblicious and you need to get yourself some!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rhubarb Compote with Lemon Verbena

Rhubarb Compote with Lemon Verbena
It's possible you've asked yourself since my return from Ireland: "What has Becki been busy with since  her epic Irish cookery adventure?" Naturally, I've been happily cooking whenever the occasion may arise (Friday night backyard BBQ's! Birthday dinners for parents! Cupcakes for birthdays!) and, unfortunately, haven't found time to blog Ballymaloe inspired recipes, but Rhubarb Compote was just gorgeous enough to push me back into the blogger saddle, giving you a deserved update + a sumptuous way to eat the early summer staple rhubarb. Now, who doesn't love that?

Monday, April 4, 2016

Ballymaloe Sourdough Bread + Beginning a Sourdough Starter

Ballymaloe Sourdough
Life After Ballymaloe is a life phase all past students will absolutely experience after leaving The Bubble. Darina and Rory forewarned their voices would fill our thoughts as we went about our lives. Which I had a hard time believing, but they knew better. 

Darina's voice fills my head when waste occurs in the kitchen. Imagine, Darina shouting across kitchen two, her hands waving wildly over her head holding the thrown out lemon destined to the hens "This thrown out lemon is the difference between your vacation in the Canaries or not!!" 

As I peruse Rory's recipes, creating menus for dinner parties and family meals, his suave elegance resonates through his writing. There are so many Ballymaloe recipes I want to share with you, so I'm going to start writing about some of my favorites. One recipe that easily can be a mainstay in every home kitchen is the maintaining of a sourdough starter and baking of Sourdough Bread.