
Friday, December 9, 2016

Farm Eggs Vs. Commercially Produced Eggs + A Simple French Omelette

Farm Egg Vs. Mass Produced Egg
It's FARM EGG VS. COMMERCIAL EGG TODAY!! Let the battle begin… 

Do you see any differences? One fresh from a local, holistic farm. One commercially raised for a large grocery store chain. You guess which one is the farm egg!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Making Lefse {Buffalo Community Education Class}

Lefse - A Norwegian Flatbread
Today I am so grateful for holiday traditions! My mother-in-law, Sharon, and I have been making lefse together since my husband I were first married, now 12 years strong. Lefse is a Norwegian flatbread made from potatoes, flour, buttermilk and butter. It's rolled flat on a special lefse rolling board, slapped unto a 500ยบ griddle, then eaten slathered with butter and a dusting of sugar. At Sharon's chagrin, my lefse was sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon.  
Teaching How To Make Lefse

Everyone has their own traditional holiday foods, events, places to visit, treats to make, people to see. What gets you most excited this holiday season? I'm madly in love with food, so cooking events really fill my happiness cup. Like this Community Education class I was privileged to teach at the local community kitchen. 

Take a look at the class snapshots!