Almost every Irish person I have met thus far is hysterically funny. The vocabulary used always feels uber intelligent and every sentence a play on words, sounding extremely smart at every conversational turn. It's really a phenomena. So, enter boring American me and I sound flat, contrite, and so lame I don't ever want to peep up in front of class. And that was exactly what today was: A 64 person group session of breaking down how to be successful in the food industry. I had things I wanted to say, but I couldn't say them in an Irish way, so I sucked. I sucked so bad. And I'm sad. And I'm lonely. All I could do was keep my eyes bright and shake my head in agreement to most of what the speaker had to say, because she was utterly brilliant. And really, she held me captivated for eight hours in the demo room chairs that are becoming known among the students as Instruments of Torture, so she was really pretty great.
We then broke into small groups and were to imagine our cafe. Blathnaid gave us parameters for opening our cafe, location, space details, community needs, when people want to dine, etc. And we were to talk about the ethos, decor, and mainly our menu. I had so much I wanted to put into our cafe, but at the end, it was nothing, NOTHING, like I would've like my cafe to be like. Shit, I never knew I was so horribly terrible at contriburing to a group. Is it my strong peronsality? My serious passion for food? My strong willed, first child, mama hen, wanna rule the roost personality that makes people listen for, like, 3 seconds, disqualify my words, and then turn the conversation to someone who wants to make it boring and blah and have no funk? And, enter the lie in my head idea that I wouldn't be fit to work for someone else, I may need to be the boss from here on out because I truly march to the beat of my own drum and scorn all others who don't hear my beat. But, what's wrong with that... Loneliness? Isolation? Fear? Yes, all of those things, so I need to play nice. Open my heart. My ears. My mind. Be a kind person. Isn't that what we all should be? No matter what nationality, cultural background, shit we carry around? A kind person? We don't know what stuff people are carrying around. So, really. Can't we be kind?
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I'd love to hear all about your kitchen adventures! Xo, Becki