
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Skillet Lasagna

If this family ever eats anything closely resembling Hamburger Helper my Skillet Lasagna is as close as my children's childhood memories will venture to a meal that starts in a box. Believe me, for the sake of sanity I've tried the meals in a box, but they are seriously gross and I just can. not. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Banana Caramel Layer Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting

So, cake! Yea. The best ever. My usual cake baking escapades have been of the 9x13 variety (all the Midwestern cooks out there catch my drift there, don't cha?) until I recently picked up these cake rounds which I'm loving because my cake baking is instantly elevated to another level of elegance!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Loaded Oatmeal Cookies

When my cupboards are becoming barer by the day (which actually I feel great satisfaction into a good self-directed challenge of Operation Bare Cupboard) with no hope for what the children will consume after a long day of school/playing Xbox/tagging along with mom, I can always rely on my talent to turn flour into something quasi-nutritious. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes + Secrets and Discovery of Raw Milk

I have really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really exciting news, but I can't tell. Not yet. I'm absolutely, downright horrible at keeping secrets, the suspense kills me! Never give me your secrets unless you want the secret no longer to be a secret because my excitement over secrets always wins, I'll spill the beans to the very next person I converse with no matter who they are I cannot contain joy! So why am I showing you a picture of a cow? Because this secret I can tell - whew! I thought I would explode at the thought of keeping all my secrets. Here it is: I've converted my family to raw milk and IT. IS. SO. FANTASTIC! Oh, yeah - and I roasted some potatoes that were kinda really fabulously delicious and I want you to have the recipe because it was really ridiculously easy. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Kids in the Kitchen {Community Education Class}

Did you know inviting your kids into the kitchen will help them make healthier eating choices? Involving your child in mealtime prep allows them to feel pride and accomplishment in the task at hand - like chopping broccoli. Take a peek into my latest community education class, Kids in the Kitchen. We had a blast making Homemade BBQ Sauce, Broccoli Medallions, Honey Mustard Pretzel-Crusted Chicken Tenderloins and Coconut Date Balls. The kids had SO much fun, and I think the adults did, too! The recipes for all the "kid-tested and approved" items are at the end of the post - you don't want to miss 'um - maybe dinner tonight?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Beef Yakitori {Paleo, Gluten-Free, Quick & Easy Dinner}

Isn't this exciting?! I'm grilling! It's sunny! Grilling! Sunny! In a blink of an eye Minnesotans forget the snow for all the joys of sunshine and the deliciousness of Spring. My newest recipe is simple, uses only five ingredients that should surely be stocked in your pantry, it's drop-dead fast from prep to done, and it. is. so. so. so. yummy. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Winter Salad {Local Greens from Local Roots Food Co-op}

Daylight savings time is on Sunday. The calendar says March. And green (edible) things are growing within a 10 mile radius of my being (your being, too) because of a stupendous green house that producers from the Local Roots Food Co-op are tending day and night. It's really fantastic. Today for lunch I created a Winter Salad with a mix of beet greens, tat soi, radish greens, red sail lettuce, young spinach and young kale all freshly harvested by Dan who owns the Farm of Minnesota. Read on for the recipe and a fun shot from inside the greenhouse.  Would you leave me a comment on what you'd like to see grown inside the greenhouse? The producers want to know!