
Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 In Review / / What Didn't Show-up On the Blog

As 2014 comes to a close I'd like to recap The Year of What Didn't Show-up On the Blog, because for the record I cook. A lot. 90% of what I cook doesn't make the final cut unto the blog for various reasons - I don't like the end photo, I eat the food without shooting it, the lighting doesn't work (thanks, Minnesota winters) before I can get a good shot, I'm traveling with the food, or on and on the excuses tumble. Scroll on to see the photos of what I made, ate, but never blogged about - until now. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Apple, Brie & Honey Bites {Simple + Elegant Party Food}

Hello! Are you being absolutely fabulous today? I hope you are. A sure way to immediately raise your fabulosity quotient would be back-pocketing a delightfully simple, super easy peesy (I seriously hate that word, I need a peesy intervention) apple topped brie appetizer to serve at your next girlfriend, family, work, etc. etc. gathering. Apples, cheese, honey, salt. It's a no-cook, no-frills, no-stress party app and in the app season, and, no I don't mean cell phone app, don't we all need something simple yet elegant?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

On My Bookshelf Now

OHH. MIIIIE. GAHHHHSSSSH. Please, please, please read The Century Trilogy by Ken Follett now! You will be richly rewarded for the effort and time spent lugging these enormous ten pound tomes through your life for about 9 days while your nose is glued to the pages. In a very, very teensy tiny nutshell The Century Trilogy follows the genealogy of families who originate in America, Russia, Germany and England throughout the 20th century. The books allow you to learn about real life history events through the lens of loving familial relationships causing the events like WWI and WWII, Nazi Germany, The Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the assassination of JFK, free love, and the Civil Rights movement to be a million times more interesting. Three generations of characters who intertwine and weave through each other's lives culminate in the last book, Edge of Eternity - I was sooo glad to commit to this trilogy - if you're looking for some hefty, but easy to follow story lines which are intriguing because they are based off real-life events, these books are for you!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Café Latte Heath Layer Cake

Hello! Are you ramping up for the biggest cooking holiday of the year!? I am! My parents are hosting, but I'm bringing these brussels from, Ina Garten's stuffing, and this pumpkin ice cream. The holidays are always peppered with my babies birthdays, and that is what inspired this sinful, ooey, gooey, chocolatey, moist, delicious, chocolatey, soooo yummy, did I say chocolatey cake. Bookmark this one for the next time you need a special occasion cake that is quick and easy to whip up, ingredients are easily found and you'll be sure to impress all! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wanna-Be Chef / Move over Giada / Food Network Star in Waiting

Come one, come all to my personal Freak Show. Behold, my riveting Food Network performance sent to FN producers for the show Best Home Cook in America, here on the bee-log for all to see. The casting director said start and stops are OK and asked that I talk about myself and not the actual cooking because apparently FN knows how to cook - pa-shaw. The video feels really spastic to me, but it does show my squirrely, fun personality - too bad the producers didn't get the impression I AM AN AWESOME wanna-be chef. Next season, FN, next season. With over 400 views I either have some magnetic sparkle in my video or my Grandma has nothing else to do - probably the latter - yep, I checked with my Grandma, it's definitely the latter.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Only Bowl of Oatmeal you Should Ever Eat Again. Period.

I'm beginning to realize I think about food a lot more than the average person. I'm beginning to realize it's really my thing. I'm beginning to realize I'm a fantastic spokesperson when it comes to home-cooking, local-loving, vegetable procuring, -- an all around kick ass foodie in the true sense of the word. Yes, I teach yoga - it was a bucket list task, a to-do, a check off the check list of life if you will. But - nay! Not my true calling - possibly, could it be? a sabotage to my true path. How did a bowl of oatmeal lead me to these ponderings? I dunno. Something about a couple good words and a steaming cup of coffee aside oatmeal goodness in the morning. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pumpkin Pie Bars

These Pumpkin Pie Bars are so virtuous I allowed my 6 year old to have one for breakfast - yes, for the record - it was pie after consuming a bowl of shredded wheat. So virtuous, I broke my never eat after 7:00 pm rule and devoured ate one at 9:30 pm. So virtuous, you'll be wondering what the word virtuous actually means. In this case it means make these bars and find company soon because you'll be opening up your fridge door moving leftovers aside grabbing for the 9x13 and whipped cream servin' up some creamy pumpkin, with the best chewy coconuty flaxed-out crusted bars to all the boys in the yard. Super simple. Super tasty and wholesome. You'll want to make these again and again!

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Foodie-est Way to Prepare Pheasant EVER!

Are you a fan of wild game? And by wild game I don't mean little minds inquiring about all the banalities of life causing you to declare a 10 question limit on the afternoon before your brain explodes a spirited activity you might play with your little ones. I mean pheasant! And grouse! And venison! And And And... um... what else? Let's get wild! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kaleonaise Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato {BLT Sandwich}

I've undergone Been blessed with 10 years of marriage and finally entirely understand a postcard I received in my early 20's of a retro Anne Taintor postcard displaying a 1950's husband and wife duo standing in front of the refrigerator with the tagline: male refrigerator blindness claims another victim. As a newly married woman I was completely clueless to the meaning of the postcard. Male refrigerator blindness? Odd, but OK, whatever you say - married people are weird. Fast forward 10 years, Travis in front of a (seriously) bursting fridge and apparently there is "nothing to eat." Aha! Refrigerator Blindness - it's a thing! A real thing! May all men be eyes wide open when BLT's with Kaleonaise are in the fridge. Amen.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Cabbage & Pappardelle with Toasted Pine Nuts

A most distinguishable blue and white website that allows you to fully lose yourself into a contented mind numb, displays which can be an offensive stream of photos, and sometimes causes an occasional LOL has really got me feeling inadequate as a mother. Pissed me right the bleep off. There, I feel better admitting that. But for real - when I see Homemade Green Glow in the Dark Gummy Worms for Halloween, from scratch, I want to scratch. Her eyes out, that is. What is wrong with gummy worms from a bag once a year? Please, do you have to raise the bar that high? You're killing me! And really, how the H do you get homemade gummy worms to glow!? You've gone too far. Too. Far. What does this have to do with cabbage? Nothing! But read on for the recipe. It's a fabulous one! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Smitten Kitchen's Apple Slab Pie

Dammit, I make a lot of crust-filled things, but when this shows up in your social media feed you find yourself succumbing to yet another crust-filled Saturday. Alas! May this pie be the point of realization to lay off tallow-laced dough and start run down a path of meals that may feed a family, be already stocked in the pantry, impress Food Network, reheat easily for leftovers, travel well, be full of nutrition, and have only five ingredients. Oh, yeah - don't forget organic, raw, gluten-free, paleo, vegan, and have no calories. JUST KIDDING! We could probably stop at the first three and call it good. But you should go here. Go to the land of Apple Slab Pie - it's a place. Join me. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cereal Bars

As someone who talks/thinks/breathes cooking to the Nth degree, I've discovered many home-cooks have a difficult time improvising in their daily cooking. Someone may simply avoid a recipe with an ingredient list 3" long, or stop themselves at the witching hour 5:30pm from starting Chicken & Dumplings Deliciousness because the freezer didn't hold the specific called for frozen green bean medley. Here is a lesson in improvisation. I craved the classic Rice Crispy bars, but didn't have rice crispies. What's a girl with a craving to do? Let's throw in those old, stale Rice Chex and call 'um Cereal Bars and call it a day. Everyone loved. Everyone's cheeks were chocolate covered. My husband couldn't wait to get home at night to devour them. All the boys come to my yard for these. Make them come to yours, too.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Make Tomato Sauce like an Italian

Did you freeze whole, cored tomatoes in a freezer bag this past August? Please tell me you did - because then you can make this pasta sauce and enjoy summer fresh goodness all year round! Fresh  (or frozen) tomatoes are tossed into a Dutch oven after you get some flavor going down in the bottom of the pot - you know - the usual suspects any Italian nonna would use - Italian sausage, olive oil, garlic, carrot. After browning up Italian sausage, set aside, then get the garlic and carrot cooking, throw in your frozen tomatoes, breaking them down with a wooden spoon until all soupy, saucy and lush. Whir with an immersion blender or something similar, add fresh herbs, return the Italian sausage to the pot, simmer for another 10 minutes, toss with pasta. The BEST pasta sauce you will eat. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 17

This post is my last Vegetable Love Post and then I can get back to telling you about cooking! Today I'm attempting love communicated via food making a Vegetable Beef Slow-Cooker Soup for dinner and Cereal Bars for late-night noshing after school snack. Recipes posted soon! Until then - check out  these brussel sprouts! Gasp! This blog has no brussel sprout recipes! How have I called myself a "blogger" until now pretending to "have a blog" when it has no recipes for brussels?!?? Someone fire this woman. Any recipe suggestions? 

Friday, October 10, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 16 + acoupla shots of Maui

What do I say? How do I start? Today was my first day back to the grind and reality bites first graders bring home piles of papers within the time span of a week. A week spent on an island that is surely paradise - azure colored waters that you swim in, but really don't swim, because the water is so salty you literally float atop the sea salt gazing down through snorkel gear on octopus, blowfish, eels, urchins, coral. Sand to walk upon that feels like powder to the feet. Not a speck of trash anywhere in the water - crystal clear and clean. Coming back to reality I'm glad I have this cornucopia of Sweet Beet's week 16 CSA bushel to talk about - because I'm not sure I can even dare to think up a recipe, procure that recipe, bear down on a sink full of dishes, and hope the kids won't turn their noses up. No. Let's go to a happy spot.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to Preserve Salsa {Summer in a Jar} + Canning Tips from a Home-Cook

Chop 65 onions, 300 cloves of garlic, 457 hot peppers and then imagine the heat that permeates into the skin and will. not. leave. your hands. However! Fear not, friends - my hands have finally returned to a normal state of being after burning for a full six hours straight and now salsa is put up for the Winter (super score). Beware! Canning is not for the faint of heart. It's hot. It's steamy. Water bubbles over. Hot peppers burn into your skin. Eyes water. EVERYTHING is hot. Fingertips are deadened by the time you're done boiling the salsa, pouring the boiling salsa into jars that just came out of the dishwasher scalding hot, tightening caps, then dipping those burning hot jars into a cauldron of water dangerously close to bubbling over. Not to mention the temperature outside is probably about mid-80's when you're undertaking a canning sesh. Glass busts. The sweat that pores from the brow. Dam - no wonder more people buy salsa at the store - except that salsa from the store sucks! There, I said it. And I mean it. Not. Taking. It. Back. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 15

OK, OK, I feel as if I may have been moaning and groaning about the state of my crisper drawer, but my parents taught me when the going gets tough the tough get going. Yes, being part of CSA challenges even the most inventive and adventurous home cook to be just that - inventive and adventurous, but when else will you be challenged to do so? Let's welcome the challenge. Bring it on. My competitive spirit has officially risen to the top. As they say in the homesteader circles - Let's put it up!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Farm 2 Table: A Buffalo Community Education Class {In Pictures}

I've officially led my very own community ed class! That feels so great to say because I've been to a handful of classes in the past - always walking away prodding myself: you should've/could've/all those udd've's taught that. You know, the time I signed up for the "Make Your Own Baby Food" class under the pretense of getting my baby spat on self out of the house wearing matching shoes even though I very well knew how to puree all sorts of squash. Or the time I signed up for a Gluten Free class without even the slightest intention of ever cutting gluten out of my diet, but I just love cooking so much I wanted to share the joy with someone besides the three people I serve every night at dinner. And now, my very own class, Farm 2 Table. It was so fun! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 14

If you happen to run into me within the next weeks know that I will be spreading the vegetable love. Between being a parent, wife, sister, yogini and friend I'm trying to keep up with blanching, preserving and sneaking vegetables into my children's diet, but there is only so much one woman can do when the other adult in the house calls uncle to another green pepper on his plate. Harumph. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 13

The only way to arrive at the complete realization my family does not love vegetables as fully as I do is to be in week 13 of your CSA bushel. Open my fridge door to the largest head of bok choy you've ever seen falling to the floor, the crisper drawer will reveal (I'm serious) 17 peppers, 4 eggplants, 3 heads of celery, a bag of lettuce, a bread bag of rainbow chard, some random loose kale, 2 heads of cabbage, and...uh...I think you get the point. All of these vegetables are either eaten by me, preserved, frozen, or somehow begged onto the husband and kids. Yes, begged. You should hear the groans when a simple veggie tray of sliced green pepper and kohlrabi graces the table. Apparently, I'm told, "other people" can't eat raw vegetables like a machine. Pah-shaw! Eat up! Your gut will adjust. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Basil Chive Compound Butter

Why doesn't the 'you're not having any dessert if you don't finish your dinner' threat ever work with my children? The other moms at the bus stop claim their children never get dessert if plates aren't crystal clean. My kids seem to have leftover pieces of ham or the stray pile of vegetables sticking to their plates after they are long gone from the table, rice krispie treat in hand. Hash tag am I doing this right? Hash tag how much therapy will my children need? Hash tag hand over the bowl of noodles with a gigantic dollop of basil chive compound butter. Hash tag I'm done. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

On My Bookshelf Now

This book has made me an emotional wreck! I cannot stop thinking about Will Traynor since I finished this fantastic, memorable book. The first chapter wraps you around its little finger so tight you'll be consumed and think of nothing else until you've read the last page. Will Traynor is a demigod - handsome, rich, powerful, a real man's man - and then suddenly in a wheelchair, a quadripaligic, due to an accident. The book is about the relationship between Will and his care-taker. About life's relationships. About choices. About pushing yourself into awkward places and maybe opening your mind a little bit. The characters are richly written. The writer must be English because the slang took awhile to get used to, but I warmed up and felt myself wanting to use the word bugger and I was calling sweaters by the British name: pullovers. I laughed out loud several times and cried even, too! Actually, I ended this book in tears and still haven't gotten over the ending. I won't give away anymore. Just read this damn book!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Roasting an Organic Free-Range Chicken {Fancy Roast Chicken}

The tag-line is fancy chicken which as a child I would've never dared to dream calling the way I grew up around fancy chickens fancy because I was privy to seeing Dad pulling out the Rubbermaid garbage can, filling it with scalding hot water (how did he logistically do that?), dipping the chicken that was just running around with its head cut off (literally - wow, that sounds cruel, but I remember it being a moment of hilarity) into the hot water, holding onto its chicken feet running the carcass over the rubber-knobbed machine that knocked the feathers out then ... oh, so many more gross things to remember about processing chickens that I won't put into words. Really. Fancy? Yet this chicken is fancy in my book. Why? Because the damn price tag, that's why! The things I'll sacrifice to feed my family wholesome, untarnished food. Later I'll be blessed, right? Are you on the organic, free-range, happy bird, but soooo very expensive compared to what you've been buying at Cub Foods chicken band wagon yet? Jump on the bandwagon and pick yourself up a fancy bird here. I'll admit, this is my first go at Fancy Chicken. I turned to Nourished Kitchen to guide me in my Fancy Chicken Roasting. Who else knows about unfettered, wholesome farm food better? I love her recipes! They are always just that - nourishing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Farm 2 Table: A Buffalo Community Education Class

I seem to be talking about vegetables in abundance lately and why not? Minnesota local harvest is in full swing, let's embrace the harvesting by not jumping forward into Fall yet because we are still  gloriously in Summer. Summer Bounty. Amen. Won't you celebrate Summer Bounty with me by joining me in the garden? Not just any garden, a blooming, colorful - FULL being the optimum word  - garden full of deliciously organic vegetables that I have the exciting privilege of walking you through, identifying and *most importantly* cooking! We'll walk through the garden plots, identify plants in their full glory, pick something to cook and head into the kitchen to make a light dinner. Register Here! But first! Let me take you on a vegetable photo bomb extravaganza that was bestowed upon me by the sweetest photograph expert EVER. Seriously beautiful photography here, people. And you should see the vegetables in person - even better. And then you get to eat them. Unreal. Just unreal. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 12

Hello, Friends! I can only hope these posts detailing my CSA work-share adventures are inspiring you to sign-up for your local CSA farm share next year or heck, even for the remainder of this year, why not?! The harvest is in full force, throttle wide open, in your face, bright, delicious, never been better, only getting better, did I say delicious, so fresh, so colorful, ohmigoshitssogoodyouaretotallymissingout. Or... you can come to my community ed class I'm teaching next week and help me cook all this stuff! Won't you say yes? What's that? You live in Pennsylvania? Too bad! Hop a plane. Just come. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pumpkin Cranberry Cake Donuts

First day of school! Sob! How are you dealing? Me? I'm... breathing. And scheduling lots of busyness so I don't have to think about my baby trying to get through the lunch line alone. Watching my babies do life is sometimes harder for me than it is for them - guaranteed. Fly little birdies. Fly. And then come home and eat donuts. Mmmmhmmm. The pumpkin cranberry variety. It's time for pumpkin things, people! Hooray. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 10 & 11

Hello! Have you been following my CSA adventures? I hope so, because look at how amazing things are becoming!! Totally Amazing. Out of this world amazing! AH-MAZE-ING. This week I needed to bundle week 10 & 11 into one week, but don't misunderstand, this is only one week's box - not two weeks. I'm bundling because I was Up North, fishing with my one true love and sweet little babies. We chartered a boat and caught our limits of walleye. Um, yum? We cooked up our catch in the cabin and we were so pleased when the kiddos literally wanted third helpings! More walleye. More walleye. More walleye. I didn't cook enough. Now it's back to reality and back to the farm! For more vegetable love. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Broccoli Party Bread

Aren't parties fabulous? I want to throw a party every weekend if it weren't for my introverted husband I would be stocking plastic cutlery and tea lights as high as my laundry room shelving would allow which is probably a good thing because the other people in my life may be neglected in the food budget category if I were shopping for a parties all week long. When I do get to throw a party I usually like to have some nibbles immediately available upon guests arrival, like olives, nuts and something chocolatey and/or minty. This recipe is a great make ahead, inexpensive and feeds a crowd. A big crusty loaf of French bread is slathered with butter (I know, you're sold, right?), baked until supremely crispy, then a creamy, cheesy broccoli mixture is topped onto the bread, baked again, then sliced for noshing. Broccoli Party Bread will be so perfect at your next party, promise. Nosh on.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 9

Being a part-time wanna-be farmer is so much fun! It's hard work that has you believing you're an 86 year old grandma - bending over 10 bazziollion times, loading cratefuls of the heaviest cabbage on the planet, mucking through mud, swapping at bugs all over your face, using sharp blades that could pierce through your skin at any moment - it's death defying. But! Just take a gander at a morning on the farm and you'll be hoping to jump into the green lusciousness that is this land! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fresh Greens Pasta Pie

When the people in my life have birthdays I serve them pie. Not pie of the traditional type, you know, filled with apples or berries, but with fresh greens sautéed until wilted then tossed with nutmeg and mozzarella atop a crunchy pasta base. That kinda pie. No one missed the fruit pie, promise. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 7 & 8

I'll blame the last two going on three weeks I haven't posted on this blog or my Facebook page on the Dog Days of Summer. Hot days can be blamed for my lack of motivation forgetfulness to post on the blog and week 7 becomes neglected turning into a combo week 7 & 8. Forgive me. I'm back. With the CUTEST. PHOTOS. EVER.  In a garden. The COOLEST garden ever!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 6

Life is short and then you die. Those were the words on my mind today as I swept the millionth, no bazillionth graham cracker crumb from my floor into my dustpan. So, what are we doing with the short time we have here on Earth, friends? Anything truly great? Anything worth while? Anything... better than sweeping graham cracker crumbs? Share with me your greatness, so as to help change my attitude because after tonight's Dinner Debacle I think I may never. cook. again. Everything was going swell until these turkey burgers hit, rather, fell through the barbecue grates. Disgusting Jenni-O Turkey - I hate you! Waste. What an utter waste. Turkey doesn't stick together so much, does it? I'm sticking with beef. And vegetables. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Swedish Meatballs

I'm not going to be all uber-Minnesotan and talk about the ridiculous weather that inspired me to roll a cookie sheet of meatballs in the middle of July. No. I'm going to talk about meatballs and how yummy and creamy and easy and lovely and delicious and creamy and creamy they are. Inspired by this pin and based off this recipe from the blog, Damn Delicious, you'll be 25% more Swedish after eating these moist, flavorful meatballs. Swedish things are rather new to me, growing up in a German/Irish/Czech family, I was introduced to almond extract (never once! used when growing up), lefse, and kromkake through my husband's family who is Scandinavian. All things Swedish and Norwegian are an absolute joy to me! I'd like to pretend I'm actually Swedish with things like: Swedish Pancakes, or Swedish Rye Limpa Bread, or an Ikea copy-cat recipe. Am I fooling you? 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 5

Have you ever seen a cardboard box fuller of life than this box? No! Never, ever, ever, ever in your life will you open a more wonderful looking cardboard box, unless you are opening a cardboard box full of cold hard cash, that could be kinda wonderful. You are looking at week 5 harvest from my CSA farmshare and I think that is just wonderful. Did I say wonderful enough yet? Read on for vegetable identification and recipe suggestions. Wonderful.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Quick & Easy Raspberry Brûlée

I'm beginning to feel like I start many a blog posts with me begging you to make something because the deliciousness of my newest creation has my tastebuds singing. Oh, how to plead with you to make this Raspberry Brûlée? Actually, I have a funny feeling this won't take much begging because the ingredients speak for themselves. Raspberries? Fresh Whipped Cream? Crunchy, Carmelized Sugar Topping? Oh, and this takes literally 10 minutes to throw together and you'll really, really impress people - No, I mean really - like everybody wanted thirds and the serving dish was utterly licked dry when the party ended. Why wouldn't you be prioritizing a trip to your nearest raspberry patch for some picking?!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Breakfast Cookies {Gluten-Free}

These cookies! You MUST make these cookies! I'll be honest and confess that I cannot remember a gluten-free recipe that I've ever loved as much as this cookie. If I see a cookie recipe with no flour, no eggs, no sugar I immediately become skeptical. My typical go-to is full-fat, caramel drenched in chocolate,  or creaminess.  I've found the flavor and/or texture of gluten-free almost always a let down, there is something about full-fat creaminess that cannot be beat - if you have recipes that are guaranteed to please, feel free to post in the comments below. To waste my time and, more importantly the (expensive gluten-free) ingredients on something gluten-free, I rarely make the effort because my family doesn't have a sensitivity to gluten. However! I have converted ever since Shauna Niequist from the book Bread & Wine inspired me into making these hearty, breakfast-worthy gems. Everyone approved and you will, too!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 4

Hi, guys! My favorite summer vegetable is in this box, can you guess which one? I'll never tell, you have to navigate to the link to find out. Want to know more about the farm I volunteer on in Watertown, MN? Click here! Have a passion for local food and have some ideas on how to co-create in the Wright County area? Click here! Read on for vegetable identification and recipe suggestions! Be Well. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Snow Pea, Fennel, & Apple Salad

My house is really quiet. Too quiet. No, it's not that my children have found magic markers and a blank wall. No, they are at Grandma & Grandpa's making joyful noise with two new kitties who are being terrorized to all hell and back, permanently lodging dirt underneath their fingernails, drinking red-5 kool-aid, eating mac n' cheese at every meal, but that's the way childhood should be, right? And I think salad should be this way - crunchy, tangy, a 'lil sweet, creamy, vinegary. I'm fairly certain I'm repeating myself saying all those things right here not too long ago, but I claim short-term memory loss and want you to try this salad for yourself!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rhubarb Herb Sangria

Hello, Beauty. Isn't that pink color ever so lovely??? I know! I KNOW! A sangria so simple to make, tastes sensational, and impresses all those friends and family gathering around the table during these hot summer months. The light pink color pleases the eye, while the freshly squeezed lime gives zing to the tongue. A refreshing, seasonal, light drink to serve at your next get together that uses up those ever-bearing herbs and the frozen rhubarb you've squirreled away. So, get to it, people!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 3

Weeks go by too fast, we're on week 3 of my CSA basket already! Check out the first and second week, too, if you're interested - it's been really fun experimenting with things I wouldn't have otherwise ventured to try before. For example, this week I'm drying all those fennel fronds to use for licorice flavored tea I'll be sure to steep all winter long. This week I'm going to give you some recipe examples that might accompany this basket. 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Homemade Tarragon Vinegar & Dehydrated Tarragon

Things are happening in my kitchen forcing my mind to fully take in the fact summer is full blown. Completely, 100%, no denying, we are in the smack dab middle of summer. The proof is clear. The peaches at the farm-stand taste like sweet jewels transported from heaven into to my mouth, gargantuan piles of kale litter my kitchen counter to be blanched and frozen, the dehydrator is running constantly while herbs dry out, rainbow chard is being sautéed and portioned out for breakfast all week long, ants are literally crawling up my neck, all over my hands while I type because my sweet little babies have a tendency to leave dribbles of watermelon or crumbs of vanilla wafers underneath the dining room table. And tarragon is going into vinegar. See? It's summer.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Red Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vedge & Meyer Lemon Marinade

There's a point in my social media relationship with myself that I'd rather create this blog post about quinoa than scroll through my feed of kids whom I don't know licking ice cream cones, friends on vacation, baby mug shots, or kids who have fallen asleep in random places and the parents think it's the cutest thing their kid has ever done. Really, believe me, it's not cute. It's boring. And quinoa is exciting! Am I the weird one? Probably. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 2

I did it! I committed to showing you my CSA box and I've followed through for a second time - I feel accomplished and trustworthy. Feast your eyes on this Garden Goodness! Ahhhhhh - the sound and sights of summer. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Amy Theilen's Runzas

I've been putting off writing this blog post about Amy Theilen's Runzas, but couldn't quite figure out why I'd so thoughtlessly leave you in the dark because this recipe is absolutely fan-freaking-tastic. After thinking long and hard, NO good reason evolved as to why I shouldn't shout to the world "cook this recipe, now!!" because it. is. that. good. And then - the lightbulb lit up - I knew why I couldn't quite start blogging about Amy's recipe, because it is epic. Every bite transcends you to Grandma Rita's house circa 1986, sitting atop the gigantic propane tank named "The Silver Horse," the bassett hound licking your ankles, family all around, laughter, sunshine, happiness, a soft pillow of runza dough inside your knubby childhood hands. There is no excuse heady enough to warrant why you are not taking the time to proof yeast, rise dough, knead dough, make a filling, roll out each individual ball, stuff, wrap into little packages, rise again and bake. Whew, I'm tired rereading that, but then I'm just totally energized and want to run, no, sprint to the market and restock for another runza making day.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Easiest Guacamole Ever

Some days life should just come easy, but we all know that doesn't happen a majority of the time. A majority of the time we feel plain gross, causing us to shout at our loved ones, while feeling pressure to accomplish various human tasks that seem insurmountable and super important, and on and on the list of stressful things go, which I won't continue to ruminate on because the longer I do the higher my blood pressure rises. Cue something easy. Easiest Guacamole Ever. No chopping, not much mixing, ready in 5 minutes flat. And don't we all need something easy? 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Taco Meat {Without any Packets of Dried Chemicals}

I really wanted to post this recipe on a Tuesday because then I could be in accordance with Taco John's Taco Tuesday, but I'll got out on a limb and assume people who care about taco meat with no chemical additives are not eating at Taco Johns' Taco Tuesday, but for convenience's sake we (me) occasionally consider eating a Taco John's taco on Tuesday then regretfully remember the gut rot we'll have for the next 12 hours and decide to make our own taco meat. Like this! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 1

I know you've heard of a CSA before, right? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture - a way for yuppies like me people who live in suburban areas to access local and fresh produce while supporting good ol' farming and the local economy.  Great, huh? I've made the (gulp) decision to document every week's box. That statement right there - hold me accountable people. It's been said. There is no turning back. Documenting. Each. Week. Now, listen up - come closer - closer - I need to be called out when I slack. Mmmk? You need to comment (nicely) and tell me demand to see next week! You're lookin' at week one.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Kale & Blueberry Salad

Something about the salads I create almost always contain certain elements to them: great crunch, something onion-ey, chewy, crispity, earthy, vinegary, and maybe a tad sweet. And in that order this salad contains: sunflower seeds, green onion, dried cranberries, kale, fresh beet, white wine vinegar, and blueberries. After consuming this salad you will be 98% healthier than the moment before you consumed this salad.