
Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 In Review / / What Didn't Show-up On the Blog

As 2014 comes to a close I'd like to recap The Year of What Didn't Show-up On the Blog, because for the record I cook. A lot. 90% of what I cook doesn't make the final cut unto the blog for various reasons - I don't like the end photo, I eat the food without shooting it, the lighting doesn't work (thanks, Minnesota winters) before I can get a good shot, I'm traveling with the food, or on and on the excuses tumble. Scroll on to see the photos of what I made, ate, but never blogged about - until now. 

A fabulous Strawberry Rhubarb Pie made for the campsite on Fourth of July weekend. The crust was heavenly - made from the tallow I rendered last winter, which is bittersweetly dwindling in stock.

More rhubarb to never appear because I thought the picture lame. The recipe was loosely based off of Smitten Kitchen's Yogurt Anything Cake - really moist and dreamy. MMMm - I'd have a slice of that rhubarb-ey bread this time of year!
Confession: I didn't make this cake, but I really need to show you because of its over the topness cute factor. Right?
A gigantic porterhouse pan-frying recipe from David Chang's method who directs you to salt the steak as if "salting a New York sidewalk in winter" which I find so vividly delicious. 
Another Smitten Kitchen recipe from her latest cookbook which renders the most crisp, refreshing coleslaw you will EVER eat! 
Oh, brother. I CANNOT believe I failed to blog about Amy Thielen's Maple Nut Fudge. I need to go die right now because lack of motivation to tell you about this heavenly piece of peanut buttery lusciouness makes me such a loser. This catastrophe most definitely occurred because of fudge shortage. Most definitely. 
Cantaloupe Coulis! This recipe was so fun! The seeds and insides of melon were whizzed and whirred in a food processor to make a delightful sauce which was drizzled over the juicy melon taking the juicy factor right on over the top into pure bliss. 
Good Lord! How many times did I make Babaghanoush this summer and NEVER blogged about the healthy, creamy, garlicky sauce that works really well with pasta or as a veggie dip? Like 3 million times! Hashtag Finally Fell in Love with Eggplant Fail! 
Now this - this is a recipe I MUST tell you about next summer when the Sun Gold's are in season because this pasta was the simplest, most flavorful and delicious pasta sauce I EVER made! 
Do I really need to wax on when you see the absolute gorgeousness of this popover? 'Nuf said.
Amy Thielen's ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe. Never will I make any other chocolate chip cookie again! 
 My first attempt at fermenting. 
Fermenting these peppers. Turned out pretty good - I forget to tell you about it - until now.
 Last year's cookie tray. Ugly, sad picture.
Every Christmas I make french toast with Italian panettonne bread. One of these years I'll get the recipe on here, because it is SO lush.
 A moment of virtuousness. Soaking steel cut oats.
 Slathered, pounded, sour cream chicken. Really fast and easy.

Those roasted beef bones became this broth. How do people in warm climates survive the cooking holidays when they can't use the deck for an ice box??
 Fig Breakfast Cookies. Kinda Amazing.
 The ugliest, but yummiest Chicken Pot Pie.
 Ramen Made Fancy.
 Beef Quinoa Soup! Blah!
Fish Cakes - these are seriously marvelous. I made a non-fish eater eat fish when I served these at a dinner party. They are THAT good!
I hated this casserole! I did something wrong - the custard didn't soak the bread properly and there were too many crusty edges - if there is such a thing as too many crusty edges - I created it. 
 Beef Tips. I'd have me a big bowl of noodles right about now.
Something I make a lot of - Leftover What's in the Fridge (Potatoes, Broccoli) Sautéed into Hash, Covered with Eggs and Cheese. It's Dinner. 
The BEST Thanksgiving Appetizer Ever! Polenta with sausage, celery and onion sliced into wedges and crisped up in butter. OOO I want some NOW! 
 Ridding the pantry of Creme de Menthe was such a good idea!
 Grape, Cauli, Broccoli Salad with Creamy Dressing. A pregnant mamma got this batch.

 Hamburger Broccoli Pie - so dreamy.
 The smartest way to use up leftover pie dough - stuff it with jelly, bake, eat.
Cover anything with eggs and cheese and someone will eat it.

How I didn't blog about morel mushrooms - I must've been high on oxy! Bucatini with Asparagus  & Morels with Sherry Cream Sauce. Just Stop. Now.
 OH! I gotta make this Banana Cake again. When will I get an excuse? Is it your birthday soon?
 The ugliest Basil Cream Sauce Lasagna Ever.
 Kohlrabis with Spice Dip. Stupidly good.
 Raspberry Swiss Panini with Walnuts and Green Onions. Lunch was amazeballs that day.
I almost never follow a recipe when I make muffins because I find making muffins an opportunity to toss in the almost rotten bananas, one eighth full bag of apricots, a shoddy tablespoon of coconut bits and other ends in the pantry into a muffin form. Hence, why the recipe never gets an opportunity to show up - I forget what I do. I should really start writing this stuff down.

Another pantry staple gone stale, but wants to be something greater. Operation Pretzels Need to Be Greater. Yielding Peanut Butter Brownies with Pretezel Crust. 
 I still intend to tell you about these Chewy Molasses Cookies. Drrrrrrreamy.
 Don't remember the filling in these hand pies - I think sausage and chard. I'm suddenly hungry.
You win some you lose some. Best Ever Recipe for Beef Vegetable Soup. Ugliest Photo Ever of Beef Vegetable Soup.
 The cutest jar of bread crumbs. EVER!
Apple Ring Pancakes. An unfortunate short apple season ended before I finally got around to editing photos. The recipe was a real winner - setting the finished rings out on the counter around brunch time every ring was devoured by 11:00. 
Three ingredient chicken legs - chicken, soy and honey. How could I dawdle on such an easy weeknight recipe? Because seriously, why don't you scatter some green onions to liven it up, will you? Some nights my creativity wanes. 

And now that I've got all the forgotten cooking off my chest…

Tell me… What picture makes your mouth water most?


  1. I hope those fishcakes and potpie make it next time! I frequently 86 loads of recipes and pictures too - our winters mean little to no natural light and super short days... and let's get real - sometimes I just eat the thing without taking pictures. An honest, appreciated post :)

  2. Wow, Della! Until this very moment I didn't realize you have a blog, even after all the religious commenting you have done on my site, shame on me! I've liked your FB page and now I can follow you!!


I'd love to hear all about your kitchen adventures! Xo, Becki