
Thursday, October 23, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 17

This post is my last Vegetable Love Post and then I can get back to telling you about cooking! Today I'm attempting love communicated via food making a Vegetable Beef Slow-Cooker Soup for dinner and Cereal Bars for late-night noshing after school snack. Recipes posted soon! Until then - check out  these brussel sprouts! Gasp! This blog has no brussel sprout recipes! How have I called myself a "blogger" until now pretending to "have a blog" when it has no recipes for brussels?!?? Someone fire this woman. Any recipe suggestions? 

Vegetables from L to R: Kale, Hungarian Wax Peppers, Watermelon Radishes, Sweet Green Peppers, Leeks, Assorted Beets, Apples, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts. 

What the heck is a CSA? Click here

I would like to buy vegetables (in the Central Minnesota area) like this but not commit to a weekly delivery. Click here

Recipe Suggestions if you had a CSA bushel like this: 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is as good as to have organic food, you have to be sure about what you are eating as you cannot take your health for granted. Thank you for sharing this blog with us


I'd love to hear all about your kitchen adventures! Xo, Becki