
Friday, September 5, 2014

Farm 2 Table: A Buffalo Community Education Class

I seem to be talking about vegetables in abundance lately and why not? Minnesota local harvest is in full swing, let's embrace the harvesting by not jumping forward into Fall yet because we are still  gloriously in Summer. Summer Bounty. Amen. Won't you celebrate Summer Bounty with me by joining me in the garden? Not just any garden, a blooming, colorful - FULL being the optimum word  - garden full of deliciously organic vegetables that I have the exciting privilege of walking you through, identifying and *most importantly* cooking! We'll walk through the garden plots, identify plants in their full glory, pick something to cook and head into the kitchen to make a light dinner. Register Here! But first! Let me take you on a vegetable photo bomb extravaganza that was bestowed upon me by the sweetest photograph expert EVER. Seriously beautiful photography here, people. And you should see the vegetables in person - even better. And then you get to eat them. Unreal. Just unreal. 

Eggplant. Aren't those striations a marvel? Yep. Yep, they are.
You haven't tasted tomatoes until you've tasted a yellow vine-ripened tomato. Last night my husband had them served up Plate of Summer Style and they. were. so. good. 
Hello, cute little green tomato peeking out at me. 
Did you forget your shoe?
Witty vegetable banter has left my mind, please gaze on at vegetables without commentary: 

A big thank you to the Buffalo Presbyterian Church for allowing us the use of the facility and to many who helped make this night possible (feeling like that was kind of Oscar-speech-ish, but I do mean a gigantic thank you for all because you've been very accommodating!). 

Tell me... What should we cook? 

I'm overwhelmed with the options. Here is the list of what we can harvest: 

Sweet Corn
Beans & Peas
Squash - if ripe

Tuesday, September 9th 6:30 - 8: 30 $19

Can't wait to meet you. 

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I'd love to hear all about your kitchen adventures! Xo, Becki