
Thursday, August 7, 2014

CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} Week 7 & 8

I'll blame the last two going on three weeks I haven't posted on this blog or my Facebook page on the Dog Days of Summer. Hot days can be blamed for my lack of motivation forgetfulness to post on the blog and week 7 becomes neglected turning into a combo week 7 & 8. Forgive me. I'm back. With the CUTEST. PHOTOS. EVER.  In a garden. The COOLEST garden ever!

This is the zen garden I work at on a weekly basis. I'm clipping a bucketful of lettuce. Look at that landscape! Rolling hills. Green Lush. Sun. Fresh Air. It's peace. All vegetables should come from a place of serenity like this - wouldn't our world be such a better place? I'm betting so.
Hamstring stretch while continuing to clip lettuce.
That, my friends, is a fennel bulb. I'm hacking off the root and at my feet is the basket of fennel I've already hacked. Licorice scented work. The best. 
Now, my task is a bucketful of basil. My posture radiates tenderness and care. I can now say I've fully realized my love for vegetables by seeing myself in photos while tending to them. 
Into the truck we go. Back to the pack shed for washing and packing.  The veggies get dumped into huge basins of ice cold water, we wash, and pack them into CSA boxes. A very fun journey in the cycle of vegetables and farming. Back breaking, satisfying work. 
And my reward! Starting in the top left corner: Bok Choy, Lettuce, Basil, Broccoli, Cucumbers, Fennel, Green Onion, Summer Squash, Zucchini, Yellow Beans. 
If you'd like to learn more about the farm here is the link. Want to get vegetables like this, but not any of the physical labor. Click here. 

Tell me... Have you ever thought about where your food comes from? 

Photos: Mary Sue Stevens

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I'd love to hear all about your kitchen adventures! Xo, Becki