
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Maca Energy Truffles

It's eerily quiet in my house this Thanksgiving morning. There isn't a dish in the sink, no pots bubbling. My hair isn't piled atop my head, elbows deep into a pie crust, flour on my nose, timers beeping loudly, onion skins littering the floor below. That would be more my style. So, as I look around my utterly way too clean kitchen wondering what on earth is wrong with me I just relax and leave it to my father who is doing the cooking this year I write a grocery list and head to the grocery store! Exactly. That's what I do. I cook.

These truffles would be a great thing to un-cook for the holidays, un-cook because they require no cooking! Measure, Dump, Stir, Form into balls and eat. And I guess you might call them health food? Maca is a root that was used in ancient Peru as an aphrodisiac and mood lifter! Isn't that great? Because judging from my post yesterday, I might need a mood lift.

Aren't they cute? And tasty looking? Very rich. You can fool everyone into eating something super healthy at the holiday party this year by putting these next to the truffles that are made with oreos and cream cheese, which are lovely, but have no health benefits whatsoever!

The only really health-questionable ingredient in my version is the mini-chocolate chips. I tried the truffle without the chocolate chips and it wasn't really sweet, at all. No sweetness. Kinda blah. But the mini choco chip added just the right teensy beensy amount of sweet and teeny bit of texture. The recipe does say its optional, but in my mind its just not optional.
You could roll these truffles in whatever you like, or you could leave some plain. I rolled mine in chia seeds and almond meal. You could also try espresso powder, coconut shavings, or more cocoa. 

The nut butter is also interchangeable for others - like cashew, sunflower, peanut - your pick! Use what you have in the fridge. K.I.S.S.

Maca Energy Truffles
recipe adapted from

Yield: 32 truffles

1/2 cup maca powder
1/2 cup cocoa 
1 cup almond butter
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)
Chia seeds and almond meal, for coating (optional)

Sift maca powder and cocoa into a medium-sized bowl. Add almond butter, honey, melted coconut oil, cinnamon, vanilla extract, cayenne and sea salt to bowl. Stir. Pour in chocolate chips and stir. Roll into balls the size of a walnut. Coat truffles in chia seeds, almond meal or keep some plain. Can be refrigerated for up to a month, or frozen for 6-12 months. 

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